History Comes Alive with a Field Trip at Marble Springs!
We think it is a bonny good idea for you to bring your students to Marble Springs State Historic Site for an educational field trip they will remember for years to come! Your group will take a trip back in time and walk in the footsteps of Governor Sevier and his household as they might have between 1790 and 1815.
Our Program: Marble Springs-The Grand Tour
Perfect for: All Grades
Best group size for maximum enjoyment and learning opportunity:
60 or less. If your group is larger, please contact us to discuss special arrangements. A headcount of 30 participating students is necessary to receive the group rate. All field trips below 30 participating students will pay 30 student minimum price (excluding add-ons and chaperones).
Standard School Minimum: $210 (Excluding Chaperones and Add-ons)
Title1 Minimum: $105 (Excluding Chaperones and Add-ons)
For more information about pricing, please email: Info@marblesprings.net
Program Length: 2-3 hours, depending on program choices
Cost of Group Tour:
$7.00 for children
$7.00 for chaperones
No charge for public school teachers and bus drivers
$3.50 for Title One Students with a completed form.
Each group will enjoy the following:
Militia Drill
Students will participate in an authentic colonial period militia drill*
*Dependent on weather and staff availability
The Tavern
Students explore the importance of taverns, currency, and bartering or trading in the lives of early white settlers on the western frontier
The Sevier Cabin
You never know what will happen in the Sevier Cabin! Students might be enthralled by Tennessee tall tales, explore the story box, or meet John Sevier or his wife Catherine “Bonny Kate” Sevier
The Kitchen
How do kitchens of the past compare to modern kitchens? Students explore this question and also have the opportunity to explore Bonny Kate’s pantry for the ingredients needed to make an authentic 18th-century recipe
The Herb Garden and Spring House
Senses will come alive as students see, touch, and smell herbs traditionally used for cooking and medicine and then take a trip down the hill to visit our pioneer refrigerator. ** Allergy alert: children will have the opportunity to touch and smell lemon balm, mint, and rosemary in season. Please take precautions as necessary
The Loom House
A working farm like Marble Springs would have grown the raw material for making their own cloth and clothes. Students learn about the basics of spinning, weaving, and using plants for unbelievably colorful natural dyes
The Trading Post Gift Shop
Our little gift shop offers a variety of souvenirs allowing both children and adults to fondly remember their time at Marble Springs
Please call us at 865-573-5508 or email us to schedule a field trip or to get more information.
Extra Special Add-on Activities
-NEW- Take Aim! - $4/ per child
Students will get to learn about the hunting and fur trade and take aim with their own bow and arrow for some target practice!
Shake It Up!
- $3/per child
Students make learn to make butter the old-fashioned way and enjoy a special snack for their hard work!
Nature Walk (Weather dependent) -$1/per child
Students get the opportunity to explore the woods, fields, and streams of Marble Springs as they discover the connection between history and nature.
Harvest Time on the Farm (Available Oct-Nov) -$3/per child
The fall was a time for preparing food for the long winter ahead. Students will learn the importance of pumpkins to settlers and Native Americans and try their hands at corn husking and apple grinding.
Additional Policies and Information
Reservations are required for all school group visits.
Reservations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Upon arrival, children will ideally be divided into groups of 20 or less.
At least two teachers or official school representatives must accompany each group of students
School tours last approximately 2 hours, so please plan your travel and bathroom time accordingly. We want you to get your money’s worth!
Our large covered picnic pavilion is available for your group to use at lunchtime. Please let us know if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity.
Please think of Marble Springs as an outdoor classroom. Your students should be prepared for rain, dew, mud, heat, and cold. It’s worth it though!
Teachers and chaperones are responsible for their students and student behavior while visiting with us. Payment for your group can be made upon arrival at Marble Springs.
Payment for the entire group must be made in one transaction. Cash, credit, or School checks are acceptable forms of payment. Checks should be made payable to The Governor John Sevier Memorial Association.
Please alert us if anyone does not have a media release, in case we decide to take pictures for promotional materials.